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Oztrack Bookshop
Sprint Training Books

Oztrack has created an E-book

Training Kids for Speed.
It contains the very latest Sprint Training Ideas explained in a way that can be used with Young Athletes.

A must read for any coach or parent.

Learn to run the modern way displayed by
Marion Jones , Maurice Greene and other star sprinters.

More information is HERE


Modern Speed Training.

A comprehensive guide to Advanced Speed Training using the latest methods.

This book is by Adrian Faccioni , a highly regarded speed coach and consultant in Australia.

It contains over 135 A4 pages of text plus images. Available only in E-book format.

I believe this is the best book on Speed Training that is currently available. Steve Bennett

More information is HERE


Sports Speed by George B. Dintiman, Robert D. Ward, Tom Tellez, Bob Ward

This is the best book on Sprinting I have been able to find.
In the all-new edition of this comprehensive guide, the authors devote a chapter to each of the seven steps to speed improvement, plus a chapter on nutrition for speed development. The manual includes 92 speed and quickness exercises, sample training programs, and guidelines for creating individual training programs.

Explosive Running by Michael Yessis Ph.D.

Explosive Running goes beyond miles and minutes-it breaks down the mechanics of running and offers exercises that specifically work the muscles used. Dr. Michael Yessis, a renowned fitness expert, explains in this breakthrough book how strength and kinesiology play an important part in improving time and distance. Included are detailed discussions of the biomechanics of running, special strength exercises, stretching, troubleshooting common problems, nutrition for optimal running, and tips to maintain a running program. This book employs unique sequence photography that captures and analyzes movements that are key to a good running stride. Explosive Running will give you a much greater understanding of the sport and help you improve in a much shorter amount of time than most other books on the subject.

Science of Hurdling
by McFarlane

Pretty much the Bible of hurdling. Includes lots of good information about Speed Training as well.

Training for Speed and Endurance
by Peter Reaburn (Editor), David Jenkins (Contributor)

Speed Training Sprint Training Speed Endurance Training

The contributors to Training for Speed and Endurance are sports specialists keen to bridge the gap between laboratory findings and athlete preparation. They are all involved in the training and preparation of elite athletes, and their aim in writing this book has been to provide practical guidelines for developing and maintaining speed and endurance fitness for both individuals and team players. Training for Speed and Endurance will make sense of all the new techniques and the latest research. It will be of interest to anyone wishing to gain up-to-date information on training principles and will be of particular value to those individuals or team players who need to focus on speed and endurance. The book is an excellent resource for coaches, individual athletes, health and physical educators of senior students, and tertiary students of sports science. 

Stronger Abs and Back : 165 Exercises to Build Your Center of Power by  Greg Brittenham, Dean Brittenham

After looking at everything and chasing "experts" for 3 years to design a comprehensive program for my athletes. I found this book which included exactly what I was looking for.  This is the only book you need on trunk training!

Build your center of power! Stronger Abs and Back shows how to develop the body's most important source of energy and support - its core muscle groups. The abdominal and back muscles form the foundation for enhanced fitness and athletic performance. Featuring 165 exercises and packed with training advice, this illustrated guide is your training manual to rock-hard abs and strong supportive back muscles that prevent low back injury and pain. Stronger Abs and Back is for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want firm, high-performance bodies.

Sprinting : A Coach's Challenge
by Samuel James Freas (June 1998)

Customer comment from monroe, louisiana , March 13, 1999
can't argue w/sam's results, but you can argue his technique
a general quide to training sprinters (usually college level)... the two best things within are his inspiring stories about his athletes, and the constant emphasis he places upon 'hammer down' full-bore sprinting in workouts throughout the book... in general, sam's methods are worth repeating, although a few outdated technical points must be altered... his interesting dryland methodologies are worth revision by any coach for total, or limited incorporation into any program... i gave it four stars (out of five) due to technique errors, but would recommend this book to anyone in terms of training 'jet-fuel' sprinters... dedicated middle distance swimmers shouldn't neglect speed work either... look for sam coaching at u. of hawaii...

Power Training for Sport : Plyometrics for Maximum Power Development
by Tudor O. Bompa

Power Training for Sprinting

Dr. Tudor Bompa informs readers of athletes and plyometrics--an important form of athletic training which results in the development of explosive power and quick reaction based on the improved reactivity of the neuromuscular system.

The New York City Ballet Workout : Fifty Stretches and Exercises Anyone Can Do for a Strong, Graceful, and Sculpted Body by Peter Martins (1997)
  "For many years we've heard that ballet is unhealthy," Peter Martins, ballet master of the New York City Ballet, writes in his foreword to this unique fitness book. "Actually, I believe the reverse is true: Ballet is extremely healthy because it helps build your body in a natural, progressive way." Following his routine might not get you into the corps de ballet, but it may get you hard, lean abs and firm buttocks; a contoured waist; and that perfect posture and flexibility you've yearned  for.

 Martins shares 50 strength-building exercises that were once restricted to the elite rehearsal studios of the New York City Ballet. He combines anecdotes about working with the company's occasional dance principle with clear explanations of the benefits and steps of the exercise. Martins's narrative encourages awareness of the body's innate grace. "You want to discover what dancers know instinctively--where the body is in space at all times, whether onstage, backstage, or at the supermarket."

Sprints & Relays : Contemporary Theory, Technique  and Training by Jess Jarver

Sprint Training and Relay Training

Gail Devers (Overcoming the Odds)  by Bill Gutman

Florence Griffith Joyner : Track and Field Star by April Koral

Carl Lewis: Legend Chaser, by Nathan Aaseng


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Oztrack Athletics Online Bookstore


Training for Speed by Charlie Francis

A recommended book on Sprinting. Contains plenty of great sprint training ideas. Written by the coach of Ben Johnson who ran 9.79 for 100m in the Seoul Olympics. 

For more information




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